Sunday, November 04, 2007

Aspiration and blog stop #3.

When I grow up, I want to be Sisiggy (

Her new blog "addendum", Domestic Derring-Do, makes me particularly wish to be her. She's like Martha, only down-to-earth, smart, witty, and not annoying. I particularly admire her ability to address serious topics without taking herself too seriously.

Also, I've had the pleasure of basking in her presence, for real. We held BlogCon East and she invited me to her home even after I got her drunk on limoncello and shared the knowledge of how to craft a tampon out of a maxi pad, should one ever find herself in a situation requiring that McGyver-esque talent. I'm just sayin'....

She does everything effortlessly, or at least thoughtfully, and that's a rare quality.

AND. She'll drink wine, cook, and listen to Dean Martin with me. I think she's perfect.

P.S. Aaaand....puppies. Salt is my homie.


At 6:15 PM, Blogger jagosaurus said...

Word about Sisiggy. She rules.

You and Salt have a special, special thing.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger landismom said...

Wow. I'm hoping you'll post that how-to someday. Sounds like it might come in handy.

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Sisiggy said...

My previous comment never showed up and now I forget what I said.

Oh! I suggested you post a tutorial.

Oh and that another BlogCon West is needed now that I can make pasta. Sort of.

Show up or the terrier gets it.


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