Monday, December 19, 2005

TRUST me, man....

Conversation that occurred during a Starbucks run a few minutes ago with a friend:

Trasherati: So, what are you getting *name of new girlfriend* for Christmas?
Male Friend: Eh, you know, we're not doing that.
Trasherati: Have you had sex?
Male Friend: Wha-? I mean, yeah, we've had sex, but I-
Trasherati: Jewelry. You get her jewelry.
Male Friend: Wow, really? Ya' think? 'Cause we agreed we weren't doing gifts and I-
Trasherati: Dude, I know what you think you agreed to. But I'm telling you that even the least girly of girls has a few frilly brain cells floating around in the back of her mind that whisper "jewelry" from anyone she's boning.
Male Friend: Did you just say 'boning'? Oh my god, you did not just say boning. And doesn't jewelry say 'commitment'?
Trasherati: Nope. A ring says commitment. A joint account says commitment. A nice bracelet just says 'boning'. And I'm a romantic.


At 11:55 AM, Blogger landismom said...

Just surfed by to say thanks for visiting my blog.

Great advice for your friend. Jewelry is definitely appropriate!

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Tina said...

Jewelry is ALWAYS appropriate!

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Virenda said...

LOL too funny, and how right you are. One christmas my grandfather didn't give my g-ma a gift because "they" decided not to. Yeah that was a mistake. :-) good call and great story.


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