Thursday, January 04, 2007

Gay, Straight, or What the Hell?

There's this show premiering on Lifetime, which I know about because of an ad at Go Fug Yourself - I don't watch much television, but certainly don't feel all haughty/snobby/self important about it. If I could fit it in, I'd be a total TV whore.

But I would never trick this show.
The very premise makes me want to throw back my head and howl, "WHY?!?!". Why do we care? Why would anyone care? Why would someone subject themselves to A) trying to fool someone about their sexuality, B) having to engage in GUESSING someone's sexuality, C) playing this game with multiple other people, with multiple others WATCHING, including your spouse/partner/parents/friends, and D) oh, Christ, the alphabet doesn't contain enough letters to list everything that is wrong with this show.

Why? WHY? But people will watch. And try to guess. And invest their time, energy, and emotions into who guesses correctly, who is or isn't, and who perpetuates stupid stereotypes most convincingly. For WHAT?

P.S. And Jilina, don't describe yourself as "delicious" - it's stupid and makes the gay guy throw up a little bit in his mouth.