Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I went to college for this?

I gotta' find a new day job. Fast.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Life is a rock, but Greg Brady rolled me.....

I am supposed to be working right now at my gainful employment, but am planning on wrapping up a research paper on company time. But am finding it impossible to focus on either activity because last night heralded the arrival of the Time/Life 70s Music EXPLOSION CD Collection, including the bonus 70s One-Hit Wonders CD (do I hear a shoutout for Paper Lace? David Soul? VICKI LAWRENCE??!!), and the eight (8!!!!) additional CDs featuring "Legends of 70s Rock".

Yeah, baby....LEGENDS. Of the SEVENTIES. As hawked by none other than Greg Brady himself. Oh yeah, I said it - BOUGHT 'EM ALL.

I am the happiest, trashiest woman on the planet. It's like the 70s fairy flew by and took a crap in my office.

Monday, December 19, 2005

TRUST me, man....

Conversation that occurred during a Starbucks run a few minutes ago with a friend:

Trasherati: So, what are you getting *name of new girlfriend* for Christmas?
Male Friend: Eh, you know, we're not doing that.
Trasherati: Have you had sex?
Male Friend: Wha-? I mean, yeah, we've had sex, but I-
Trasherati: Jewelry. You get her jewelry.
Male Friend: Wow, really? Ya' think? 'Cause we agreed we weren't doing gifts and I-
Trasherati: Dude, I know what you think you agreed to. But I'm telling you that even the least girly of girls has a few frilly brain cells floating around in the back of her mind that whisper "jewelry" from anyone she's boning.
Male Friend: Did you just say 'boning'? Oh my god, you did not just say boning. And doesn't jewelry say 'commitment'?
Trasherati: Nope. A ring says commitment. A joint account says commitment. A nice bracelet just says 'boning'. And I'm a romantic.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


If I were an artist, my work would be inevitably be featured here.
(Ogre & Jagosaurus - my pig was proof of that....)